W. Markham, suite A
Little Rock, AR 72211
501-2243120 (fax)
are happy to honor competitors advertised prices, just bring in the
ad. |
Specials of the week of April 7 - 13
- J & B Scotch
Everyday $35.89 Sale $29.99
- Forty Creek Canadian
Everyday $39.99 Sale $29.99
- Three Olive Vodka
Everyday $37.99 Sale $23.99
Bombay Sapphire Gin Everyday $39.99 Sale $32.99
Case and Mixed Case Deals Every Day!
Just click on Newsletter for many more great specials.
- Delicato Cabernet, Chardonnay, & Merlot 1.5 L
Regular $10.99 Sale $8.99
- White Oak RRV Chardonnay 750 ml
Regular $19.59 Sale $13.99
- Villa Mt Eden GR Chardonnay 750 ml
Regular $18.99 Sale $12.99
- Piccini 2002 Chianti 750 ml
Regular $10.99 Sale $6.99
- Wednesday is Wine Day! Save 15%!
Case & mixed case discounts every day!
Villa Maria 2002 Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml Lots of flavor with zingy freshness.
Reg $13.99 Now $9.99 Case $107.88
- Marques de Caceres 1999 Rioja 750 ml
Rich and smooth with plum and toast flavors.
Reg $13.99 Now $9.99 Case $107.88
Wednesday is Wineday 15% off our everyday low price.
Case and mixed case discounts every day!
- Grolsch - Holland
12 - Pk Bottles $9.99 Case $19.98
- Heineken - Holland
- 12-Pk Bottles $11.99
Case $22.98
- Amstel LIght - Holland
12-Pk Bottles $11.99 Case $22.98
Gift Certificates in any amount.
April 22 - Grand Tasting, 7 o'clock pm, Next Level Events. Cost is $25 per person. Reservations are required. Call now at 223.3120 or 1.877.600.WINE.
Grand Tasting - October 21st You want want to miss this one! It will be our best ever! Plese help us make it a great event by telling a friend.
Please Note: Must be 21 or older to enter. Reservations are confirmed only when paid! Thanks.