"Friends of the Symphony" Tasting Event: Philip Mann, Clark Trim, Tatiana Mann, Henrik Thostrup As the economy has performed poorly over the last number of years, funding from traditional sources just isn’t what it used to be. Everyone is looking to alternative sources for support, and understandably so. It seems that every day Colonial gets at least one call or email asking for support. As much as we would really like to help out all our communities great causes, it is just impossible to do so. Please Consider This Prior To Applying: Colonial's level of our support can not be the same as a liquor or wine distributor. Colonial can consider requests for a silent auction item, or bottles, not cases of product. Requests for multiple cases of wine, beer, and liquor to supply an entire event are beyond Colonial's ability to fund. Requests that provide as much information as possible on the following form will be given first consideration. Keep in mind that we need six weeks to consider a request.
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